We’ve assembled a wonderful celebration of the best content of the Library over the last 10 years! The Table of Contents are below and you can download the whole nearly 300 page book for free using the red download button at the bottom of the page! Enjoy! We are excited to bring you this […]
Traditional masculinity is a social and cultural construct that dictates the way that men are expected to live, act, behave, and feel. This constraint is likely the catalyst for the issues that men experience in expressing emotion and demonstrating emotional needs.
A very controversial (and some would say “mad”) psychoanalyst, Wilhelm Reich, provided a very insightful observation about the “Character Armor” that some of us wear as a way to protect against vulnerability.
What about the men and women we coach? What role does regret, the avoidance of regret, and post-regret decisions and actions play in their lives and work?
An insightful metaphor regarding the extent to which we focus on the tail winds that move us forward toward desired goals and the head winds that push against us and slow down or hinder our accomplishment of desired goals.
In the eighth issue of this digital magazine we focused on Personal and Life Coaching – the one-on-one coaching that so clearly defined the field during its earliest years (in the 1970s and 1980s) and that still is the major player in the arena of professional coaching. In this issue, we turn to a parallel […]