Patients’ emotions influence their quality and value ratings as well as what they tell their friends. High-emotion healthcare includes services related to major life events, some of which are at the top of the Holmes and Rahe scale of stressful life events that can contribute to illness. Fine-tuning the way healthcare services are delivered can make a big difference […]
I suspected she was in good hands. I was window dressing. I was doing what all physicians are often asked to do—to just be there, to help translate medical terms, to comfort the patient and her family.
The problem is physician executives were landing in their posts for the same reason that physicians became department chairs in academic medicine – not because they were good at management, but because they were well-respected clinicians.
Jack and I created A Whole New Doctor as an experiment with the strong hypothesis that providing coaches to medical students would make a difference in their lives (like providing coping skills and reducing pressures that lead to depression or learning how to engage in team leadership and mindset shifts).