Curated 2018 – Transformations
We’ve assembled a wonderful celebration of transformations! The Table of Contents are below and you can download the whole 250-page book for free using the red download button at the bottom of the page! Enjoy!
This is our fourth volume of Curated – and we have arrived at Summer (the first three volumes being dedicated to and portrayed as Fall, Winter and Spring). Summer is the season when transformations have been realized and are in full display. We have decided, in this volume, to focus on two realized transformations. The first is the multiple transformations made in the fundamental purpose and design of this library. The second is the realization of a very special digital magazine in the Library that is itself appropriately called: Transformation.
This book is divided into two sections:
Section One: Transformations of LPC
First, having celebrated our 10th Anniversary, we are reflecting back on the transformations that have taken place in planning for and producing the Library of Professional Coaching. Our value to the professional coaching community has been acknowledged by many sources and we are very pleased to have received the interpersonal and financial support of many colleagues. From the first, we have hoped to be dedicated stewards of this profession – and apparently have been successful in this regard. We are now contemplating an additional transformation that will expand our service to the professional coaching community to which we have dedicated this past decade.
In bringing you in on our reflections regarding past transformations and preparing for our next transformation, we have included in this volume of Curated several of the founding LPC documents as well as pre-LPC planning documents (including a few revealing pictures of our flip chart work that came out of our early sessions. We hope that you find our transformations to be of interest and enlightening in terms of your own informed support for our work.
Section Two: Transformation: A Quarterly Road Map
Our second notion about transformation comes directly from one of the most informative and thought-provoking digital magazines to be found inside LPC. Inspired and guided skillfully by our dear colleague, Charlie Smith, Transformation has for the past six years been a source of provocative ideas regarding not just the world of professional coaching, but also the broader global challenges we face in the 21st Century. Often being viewed from far out in space, our world and our humanity are assessed by Charlie and his intellectual colleagues though multi-disciplinary lenses that lead not just to new perspectives but also critical actions. In this volume of Curated, you are being blessed with a rich sampling of the essays in Transformation that provide these perspectives and proposed actions. Enjoy, learn and engage the world in new (transformative) ways.
We have taken one further step in presenting (and celebrating) this distinctive digital magazine. There is no way in which Transformation can be understood without a fuller appreciation of the head and heart of Charles Smith. We have asked, therefore, for Kathryn Smith (Charlie’s wife and life-long help mate) to reflect on life with Charlie. Her own perspectives are amplified by comments offered by others in Charlie’s life. We have also asked Charlie to provide a new introduction about Transformation for this volume, as well as producing a new essay concerning a theory of transformation.
We end this section of Curated 2018 where we began – with the wisdom and vision of Charles Smith. We conclude with an extended essay published during one of our first years of operation (2011). It is a comprehensive statement regarding Charlie’s “Merlin Factor.” (one of the major organizing themes in Charlie’s body of work). So . . . enjoy, learn and engage our contemporary world with an added appreciation for the miraculous world in which Charles Smith dwells.
Table of Contents
Bergquist and Pomerantz Page 12: The Five Transformations of LPC
CE Smith Page 29: Transformation: Introduction
CE Smith Page 33: A Theory of What Transforms
KG Smith Page 37: Life with a Transformational Coach
CE Smith Page 40: Overview of Transformation: A Quarterly Road Map
White and CE Smith Page 42: Bringing the Overview Effect Down to Earth (Issue 6)
Norris Page 53: The Silence Behind the Words (Issue 13)
Berlonghi Page 57: Generating Balance (Issue 10)
Clarke Page 62: The Invulnerability of Being Vulnerable (Issue 2)
Glaser Page 70: Miracles do Happen! (Issue 10)
Zweifel Page 82: How to Expand (Issue 12)
J Smith Page 87: Sanity? (Issue 11)
Turnbull Page 92: My Story (Issue 13)
Friedman Page 96: The Choice-Making Theory of Consciousness (Issue 13)
Barthelemy Page 100: Speak from the Soul, Hear from the Heart (Issue 13)
Hack Page 102: The Quandary and the Importance of Identity (Issue 12)
CE Smith Page 105: Space & Identity Expansion (Issue 12)
Oshry Page 117: Encounters with the Other (Issue 13)
CE Smith Page 141: What is Coaching For: Lessons from Don Juan DeMarco (Issue 3)
Goldstein Page 144: Achieving Escape Velocity (Issue 6)
Sanchez Page 150: About the Yes and the No’s that Precede Them (Issue 4)
Maynard Page 154: Future-Science Technology: A New Operating System (Issue 7)
Yishai Page 158: Human Mutuality System (Issue 9)
Stevens Page 168: Breaking Free from Gravity (Issue 6)
Crews Page 173: Fifty Shades of “No” (Issue 4)
Goulston Page 176:Intense Identity Expansion (Issue 12)
Norris Page 180:Beyond Perspective (Issue 10)
Zweifel Page 184:The Ten Commandments for Gamechangers (Issue 9)
CE Smith Page 191:The Merlin Factor: Leadership & Strategic Intent (Published Prior to Transformation)
- Posted by Bill Bergquist
- On January 10, 2019
- 0 Comment
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